Donor Conception & Surrogacy
Donor Conception and Surrogacy treatment pathways often include a need for mandatory Implications Counselling ahead of treatment at a HFEA Licensed Clinic; do remember support counselling is always available too, before, during and following any treatment.
Implications counselling provides a space to explore the legal, social and ethical implications around donor conception. If you are embracing donor conception with a donor from a UK or overseas egg, sperm or embryo bank, one Implications Counselling appointment is routine. If you are in a relationship it's usually essential to attend at least once together; but you can attend individual appointments additionally if you think they would be helpful.
Implications counselling should not be a tick box exercise; our appointment includes up to 90 minutes of counselling and additional time to prepare your counselling report/s.
Our time together includes space to reflect on your fertility journey, your relevant medical history and to ensure you're equipped with enhanced awareness, skills and strategies to move forwards as and when you're ready. If attending implications counselling within a clinic setting, your counsellor will have access to your relevant history, and a report is not needed; hence longer time included for autonomous independent implications counselling.
Three counselling appointments are routine for surrogacy or known donation:
- An appointment for the person or couple hoping to parent
- An appointment for the surrogate or known donor (and partner if they have one)
- A group appointment for everyone involved
A implications counselling appointment lasts around 90 minutes and includes an additional 30 minutes for your counselling report to be prepared - this can then be shared with any UK clinic. Please do remember overseas clinics will have their own requirements that may include a need for local counselling.